May 2

Alauddin Alam Shah – The last Sayyid Ruler

Alauddin Alam Shah

The Decline of Sayyid Dynasty

Alauddin Alam Shah

When Muhammad Shah passed away in 1444, his son Ala-ud-Din assumed the title of Alam Shah in his place. Even though the new king was weaker than his father, Bahlo welcomed his succession. Alam Shah traveled to Badaon in 1447. He chose to relocate there rather than to Delhi since he thought the city was so alluring. In 1448, he made one of his family members the permanent governor of Delhi before retiring permanently to Badaon. There, he fully surrendered to the quest for pleasure. Following Alam Shah's departure from Delhi, there had been a dispute among the ruling class. Hamid Khan and Hisam Khan were chosen to decide Delhi's fate. After weighing the claims of numerous parties, Bahlol Lodi was chosen as the winner. He received an invite to Delhi. He accepted the invitation so fast that he didn't have time to gather an army large enough to secure his place in the capital city. He acquired the city's keys from Hamid Khan. Alam Shah at Badaon received a letter from him as well, and he responded that he possessed neither the fruit nor the benefit of dominion. His father had adopted Bahlol as a son, and he willingly and joyfully abdicated his reign in favor of Bahlol as an older sibling.

Bahlol became king on April 19, 1451, not just as the product of a powerful group, but additionally as the chosen heir of a monarch who had abdicated freely. Alam Shah remained at Badaon till his passing in 1478 A.D.

According to Professor K. A. Nizami, the Sayyid dynasty came to an end after more than 37 years of quiet rule. It started as the Multan Principality and then the Badaun Principality. It made no notable contributions to the political or cultural history of medieval India. However, it was a welcome step in the Delhi Empire's collapse and restoration process.


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